What is Karmic cycles and how to break it,?

 In our life,the law of karma works in a cycle,because life is a karmic cycle.

What is Karmic cycle?

Every soul has a past, present and future life and they have different types of karmic cycles.

1. childhood cycle-between 0 to 12 years

2.youth cycle-between 13to 24years

3.Adult creation-between 25to 36years

4.Adult expansion-between 37to 48years

5.Adult contraction-between 49 to 60years

Nothing in life is a coincidence.it is the combined effect of your deeds in this or past life times.

According to the law of cause and effect -karma is clearly explained 'as you  sow,so shall you reap'

In the language of karma ,every positive deed is punya(merit) and every negative deed is paap(sin)

In our earthly birth,we are constantly settling scores and simultaneously creating new ones that are settled in subsequent lives.This loop of karma is referred to as the karmic cycle.

The law of karma states every action,it may be positive or negative will have an equal reaction, according to the law of action 'every action has equal and opposite reaction'

In our karma record book all our positive actions are recorded as merits and the ones with negative intent are recorded as sins.

Both of these actions must be repaid in our life .if we fail to settle debts in this life ,This debt is  carried to our next life, because in our day to day life  when we fail to settle the old accounts in a particular period,we have to create new accounts alongside to settle the old accounts.

Everything we have ever done is recorded and transferred into our new life.since karma essentially means action,it can't be stopped.it must be performed fully .it's just a matter of time when we do.

If one fails to fulfill or make their previous wrongdoings right.They will pass their karma to another life and pick up where they left off and it is the same with positive deeds.

Different stages of karmic cycles of human beings

It is said that karma works in cycles and that have a period of twelve years.

These karmic cycles divided into sections based on our age.

1. Childhood cycle(0 to 12years).

At this stage ,the human form of the soul is completely unaware of its past deeds.

Children are called 'wetclay',they can be remolded in any form at this stage, depending on the situations and people they are exposed to.

Childhood karmic patterns are set to help us grow spiritually and help us to redeem our karma.

2.youth,(13 to 24years)

It is the stage where we start being more conscious and start choosing a goal in life.

At this stage our past karma starts showing up more significantly.

This is the stage where we start to repay our debts significantly.

3.Adult creation(25 to 36 years)

Karmic patterns really start to show through when we enter at this stage.

All kinds of emotional, mental and physical pains from a past life will start manifesting themselves in unique ways.

At this stage some parts of our life goes smoothly due to good karma and other parts in rough due to bad karma.

4.Adulthood(37 to 48 years)

Karmic pattern takes force at this stage,where things reach their maximum complexity,Adults have a harder time changing and karma requires change.

If you were successful with dealing with karma before this stage ,then you will undergo most important karmic events sooner and those events will transform your life.

If  you are unsuccessful then all the beggage will accumulate and start repeating until you learn your lesson.

5.Old age(49 to 60 years)

At this stage karmic cycle's strength starts to decline.

However ,this is a good time to lessen your karmic burden because the force of karma is weakest at this stage.

This phase is least turbulent because individuals have already solved  their issues or delayed them for the next life.

This is the best time to solve or settle  all the karmic scores since the force is the minimum.

The symptoms can be weak but don't entirely vanish.

If one fails to solve the issues at this stage,then the entire adult cycle resurfaces itself until the final call (death).

How to break karmic cycle

It is only possible by approaching the spiritual process.There are several ways to do it.

1.Understand your Karma

We all have karma ,we experience it daily .

Some parts of our life need special attention whether it is career wise or something else.

If some problem repeats itself again and again,you need to recognise that problem and then try to understand and do the best that you can with it.

2.Take responsibility

It is very difficult to understand that why something is happening to us.

Never blame anyone for the things that have happened to you instead you take responsibility for your life.

Always look at your own mistake and try to correct it for the next time.

3.Don't get caught up in a toxic relationship.

It is very important to recognize why some people have the effect they do on us.is there a lesson to learn or is the lesson in avoiding them.

It doesn't mean you create ill will between you and another person ,it means you should keep distance from those people who bring you more harm than good.

4.Do things what your heart feels good.

Every individual should follow and listen those things that he feels good and always do the things from his  soul and heart ,just something that makes you fulfilled.

5.Always try to help others.

Every day you should take positive action  like helping other people when they don't even ask for it and also other good deeds in your day to day life improve your karmic debt.

The only thing that can break this pattern is to take positive action towards  something different.

6.Always need to accept and face your obstacles.

Everyone has their weaknesses and strengths.

Weaknesses help us to get stronger because that's how we perfect ourselves

All we need is the courage to accept and face our obstacles.

7. Forgiveness

Holding grudges and staying mad at someone are some of ways to slow down your spiritual growth.

To forgive means to understand that a person who hurt you has their own karma.

Try and look at your emotions objectively,think about how they effect your life and how that helps you or make your life worse.

8.Stay in the Present.

To stay in the Present means to think about what is going at the present situation ,not to worry by thinking about the situation that we can't control ,the only situation we can control is present.

So always be present and take care of yourself and your thoughts and practice something which is helpful for your further life.

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