What is the view on Rebirth


When  a person dies ,his rebirth depends upon which GUNAS(quality) dominates.All the three GUNAS(QUALITY) are present in different proportions at the time of death.If a man dies having dominant quality of SATTVIC GUNA then he takes the  birth in a SATTVIC FAMILY.One can take the birth one step up or down, according to the basic law of resonance in physics .Tamas person go to the TAMSIC FAMILY OR IN THE SERPENT FAMILY, depending upon the percentage of TAMSIC QUALITIES .

Now one may think how the Atama or soul, surrounded by spirit,keeps these accounts.It is just like keeping an account in the bank.At the time of closing the account in the Bank,only the balance amount can be withdrawn  and not the total amounted and withdrawn from the bank. Similarly,your balance at the time of death is in negative I.e.TAMSIC QUALITY,One takes the birth  in animal kingdom.If the balance is positive (good) around twenty -to -seventy percent then he takes the birth in RAJSIC FAMILY.The SATTVIC qualities are rare and may be around two-to -five percent and take the birth in SATTVIC FAMILY.

How the Karma responsible for rebirth

YOUR KARMA OR YOUR GUNAS play a vital role for the rebirth.According to Bhagwat Geeta,the quality of life(GUNAS)determines   the rebirth.At the time of death,If RAJSIC QUALITY dominates then that Atama takes the birth in RAJSIC FAMILY.Intermixing of the qualities is difficult  but not impossible,just like the intermixing of three different fluids.Fluid water cannot be mixed in oil or vice- versa.Similarly,Petrol cannot be mixed with water or oil.However,intermixing is possible, depending upon the last KARMAS(GUNA) before the death.Just like two persons of TAMSIC QUALITY are good friends.One day,One person walks with a SATTVIC MAN.His friend of TAMSIC nature saw his friend walking with SATTVIC MAN and decided to make harm to SATTVIC MAN because of jealousy of having good reputation in the society.TAMSIC PERSON,riding on the bike hit the SATTVIC person and badly injured.His friend (TAMSIC) saved that person and admitted in the hospital and informed to his family and went away.Here one can think that what is the fault of that SATTVIC PERSON who was badly injured.Karma theory says he (SATTVIC)  Must have done some harm to the innocent being in this life.If he remembers,he can console himself.If he does not remember then he must have done in the past or in the past life which he cannot remember although,the Atama (soul) and spirit is same in both the persons but the equipment (mind) is different in present and past life and in such cases we call it fate or destiny or luck.Past life account is kept by the spirit only which surrounds the soul (Atama) and the present life's mind(software) cannot be compatible  to recognize.That Tamsic Person did a Sattvic work of saving that person and at the same time he maintained friendship with Tamsic friend.

After few days both TAMSIC persons were going on a vehicle and met with a horrible accident and died both on the spot.Now the KARMA theory says both of them were having the TAMSIC GUNAS but the person who saved that SATTVIC Person takes the rebirth in SATTVIC OR RAJSIC FAMILY and another TAMSIC Friend takes the birth in TAMSIC Family.It is just like having large amount of money (Good Karmas) in the bank before your death,then you end up with some balance of  amount (PUNYYA) that means at the time death or rebirth your spirit which surrounds the Atama,has Sattvic influence and takes the birth in SATTVIC FAMILY.

The story does not end here of two TAMSIC FRIENDS.Your past Karmas of Tamsic nature influences the present quality of life,even if you are born in SATTVIC FAMILY,Your  Tamsic qualities influence the present life and mostly end up with Tamsic nature.Now it depends upon the present Karmas where he chooses in Tamsic or Sattvic quality of life.However,such cases are rare but it does happen in the society for example VALMIKI RISHI.If one wants to go to the second floor,one has to go through the staircase crossing the first floor.If each floor has twenty steps that means 40 steps to go to the second floor.Tamsic quality men are at the bottom of the building and Rajsic are on the first and Sattvic are at the second floor.Above the second floor is the terrace (Heaven).Climbing the staircase is difficult than going down the building.Similarly,is the case of Gunas(Nature).

Going to second floor and staying there is very difficult because one needs to develop Sattvic habits(Faith) where purity,goodness, knowledge and always in contact with Atama(soul) through consciousness is the primary condition.Very few people go there,may be 0.1Percent of the society,therefore second floor is almost empty.The first floor is very much crowded of Rajsic quality (,Gunas) where the persons are materialistic, highly egoistic, passion, attachment, selfish,self-oriented,I-ness and My-ness is very much dominant.

Rajsic people use their intelligence but rarely use their consciousness and the best examples would be mostly politicians and businessman.The ground floor is not too much crowded but mostly occupied by the Tamsic quality (Gunas) people where the ignorant, negligent,sleepy indolent,carelessness is dominant.Tamsic people neither use their intelligence nor consciousness.

Now going to second floor without climbing staircase is very difficult but not impossible such as VALMIKI RISHI Where he went from Tamsic quality to Sattvic quality.Such cases are very rare ,may be one in a million.There are many recent examples of those who went from first floor to second or even to the Terrace like Gandhi,Tulsidas,Christ or even prophet Mohammad etc.There are cases where Sattvic people went to Terrace (Heaven) like Buddha,Saint Tukaram,Saint Gyneshwar,Adi Shankaracharya etc.

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