Faith and worship

 Every man in life brings his entire devotion and offers it at one alter(religious rites) or another ,and seeks fulfillments from the benefits that accrue from the the scriptural language this is called worship.This need not indicate only the ritualistic worship of some God or deity.The term Worship here embraces wider implication.

Every one of us is a worshiper at some altar chosen by him.even atheists are worshiper perhaps they devote themselves to the altar of sense objects, or wealth,or of power.Men of sattvic temperament ,because of their serene composure and tranquil deposition ,seek their fulfillment at the altar of divinity indicating the higher impulse and the nobler qualities of their being.Naturally ,they seek and to adore such a divine Godly altar.

Men of passionate nature (Rajas) are those who have extreme ambition and are constantly restless in their self-chosen fields of activity.They are said to be worshiping and propitiating demi-Gods.The idea here is that the choice of the altar will depend upon the silent demands of the heart of the will never go to the bookstall to purchase some dress.So too the  active and passionate type of men feel an admiration for, and can appreciate ,the only an active and passionate (Rajsic) demi -god or deity

The dead 'spirit' and such other low and vicious powers are involved by the men of 'inactivity'(Tamas) for the satisfaction of some of their low urges for vicious sense-gratifications .Men of low moral caliber and false education ,generally,would try to fulfill their pernicious (wicked) ambitions with the help of wretched vengeful scum of the society (pretas or Bhutas),who though physically alive ,are dead to all sweetness and goodness in life .These hired goondas (Thugs),generally chosen from professional jailbirds ,are the fit powers to be involved in order that low criminal ambitions of the Tamsic can be fulfilled.

The help gained  from the good friends ,the protection invoked  from the rich and powerful and enormous strength gathered from  the low thoughtless men of criminal intentions-these are the different types of 'altars' at which men of serenity(sattvic),of ambition (Rajsic), of headlessness(Tamsic),generally seek their individual satisfaction.From the nature (Gunas)of a man's field of activity,we can,to a large extent,understand to what type he belongs.The soul of devotion in men,ever remaining the same,each will select according to the type of his faith(spirit) his own altar of devotion.

As discussed above,faith is very important for worship.Although, scientifically idol worship does not have any proof or validity.idol worship is affective to those who do their earning by physical work like laborers,farmers etc.They cannot do the worship by meditation or samkhya yoga(reasoning) or Karma yoga as their mental capacity do not support what is right and wrong Karmas(actions).Their main aim is to earn more by physical work and spend comfortable such cases,the idol worship is helpful by going to the temples or churches or mosques where the idol of noble personality are kept.

Whenever one goes to such places ,he remembers the good deeds of that personality and try to follow in his /her daily life.Even a photograph of the parents,hanging in the house then one remembers their good  deeds only.for example ,people in India or in other parts of the world,worship of the idol of Gandhiji,irrespective of any religion or creed and remembers his good deeds only.No one remembers  his sex life in his early days but only the good work he did for the society.

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