Relation between knowledge,Action and Actor



   Types of                                                     Knowledge.   

The constituents of action,namely   ' 'knowledge 'work and the ' ego ' are under the influence of different moods,each one of them can fall into three types.we fluctuate among these three Gunas in different proportions in which they are mixed in our bosom(personality) determine the innumerable types of individuals that we are.These detailed description of different types of 'knowledge',action' and 'person' are given here not for the purpose of judging and classifying others,but for the person to understand himself.A true student of culture and self -development must try to maintain himself as far as possible, in the sattvic temperaments ,By self-analysis ,we can diagnose our self and immediately remedy the defects in us.

Sattvic Knowledge.

The 'knowledge ' by which one imperishable being (parmeshwara or Almighty) is seen in all existence is Sattvic.Though the forms constituted by different body-mind -intellect equipment's are all different in different living beings,the "Sattvic' knowledge recognizes all of them as expressions of one and the same ' truth' which is the essence in all of them.just as an electric engineer recognizes the same electricity is flowing through all the bulbs, a goldsmith recognizes the one metal 'gold' in all ornaments, and every one of us is aware of the same cotton in all shirts.Even if there are a hundred different pots of different shapes and colors and different sizes ,the 'space' is one  undivided factor in all these different pots.Bulbs are different but the current that is expressing through them all is the one electricity, Similarly ,one life vibrates (throbs) in all ,expressing itself differently as it's different manifestations ,because of the different constitutions in the matter arrangements .The knowledge that can recognize in play of this one principle of consciousness in and through all the different equipment's,is fully Sattvic.

Rajsic Knowledge.:

The knowledge that recognizes plurality,by reason of separateness ,is Rajsic in its nature .The knowledge of the passionate , ever restless in energy ,considers various entities as different from one another,self-centered  and greedy.The Rajsic(Passionate) people think the world is innumerable types of different varieties ,the intellect of such a man perceives distinctions among the living creatures ,and divides them into different classes-as the animals ,the vegetables and the human kingdoms-as men different castes,creeds,races, nationalities etc.

Tamsic Knowledge.:

An intellect that has got fumed under the dulling effect of extreme cling(attachment) to one single 'effect' as though it were the whole,never enduring into the cause.The knowledge of the dull is painted here  as that belonging to the lowest type of spiritual seekers.They are generally fanatic in their faith and in their devotions .in their views and values of life.They never enquire into,and try to discover the cause of things and happenings,they are unreasonable.Looking through such a confused intellect loaded with fixed ideas ,the dull not only fail to see things as they are,but invariably project their own ideas upon the world and judge it all wrongly .in fact ,a man of Tamsic intellect views the world as if it is meant for him and his pleasures alone.He totally ignores the divine presence,the infinite consciousness.The knowledge of dull is thus circumscribed by its own concept of self -importance and thus its vision becomes narrow and limited.


Types of Actions(Karma)

Sattvic Action(Karma)

It is the best ,a balance of peace within and harmony in the field of is the purest of three types of is an obligatory action ,a work that is undertaken for the work's own sake,in an attitude that work itself is worship.such activities chasten the personality and are ever performed in spirit of inspiration .inspired activities naturally surpass the very excellence that the personality or the doer is ordinarily capable of such an activity is always undertaken without any attachment and without any anxiety for gaining any definite is dedicated activity of love and yet,it is not propelled(move onwards) by either love or hatred.

The missionary work undertaken by all prophets and sages are the examples of this.A sattvic intellect lives in  the consciousness of one's reality that permits the whole world and therefore,to him the leper and the prince,the sick and the healthy,the rich and the poor are so many different parts of his own spiritual personality only.such an individual serves the world in a service of self-fulfillment and inspired joy.sattvic karma is human action. Performed without any attachment and not motivated either by likes or dislikes and undertaken without any desire to enjoy the results thereof.The action itself is its fulfillment .A. Sattvic man acts ,because to refrain from doing his service is like a choking death to him.

Rajsic Actions(Karma)

The action of the passionate(Rajsic)is that which is undertaken to fulfill one's desires with an extremely insistence 'I'ness  act mentality.Always such undertakings are works of heavy foil involving great strain and all the consequent physical fatigue and mental exhaustion .The individual is impelled to act and struggle by a well defined and extremely arrogant ego sense.He works,generally under tension and strain ,since he comes to believe that he alone can perform it and nobody else will ever help him.All the time he is exhausted with his own anxieties and fears of the thought whether his goals will ever be achieved ,if at all.When an individual works thus with an arrogant ego,and all with self -centeredness,he becomes restless enough to make himself totally exhausted and completely shattered .such action belongs to the category of passionate(Rajsic).

All the activities of political leaders,social workers,great industrialist,over -anxious parents, fanatic preachers and blind money makers ,when they are at the best are the examples of this type.

Tamsic Actions(Karma's)

The actions of dull type(Tamsic) are performed without any consideration for the consequences,thereof,without any regard for their loss of power and vitality.such actors never care for loss or injury caused to others by their actions,nor do they pay any attention to their own status and ability when they act.All such careless and irresponsible actions(Karma's)are undertaken merely because of some delusory misconception of goal and fall under the Tamsic type.Habits of drinking , reckless gambling,corruption,etc.all are examples of dull actions.They lose their vitality and injure all those who are depending upon them.They surrender their dignity and status,their capability and subtle faculty-all for the sake of their pursuit of a certain delusory goal in life.All they demand is a temporary joy of some sense of gratification and a tickling satisfaction of some fancy of the hour.

Action of this type(Tamsic) immediately provides the performer with a substantial dividend (gets)of sorrow.Rajsic 'action' comparatively takes a longer time to bring its quota  of disappointments and sorrow,while Sattvic action(karma)is always steady and blissful.

Kinds of 'Doer'(Personality or Actors)

So far ,we have a description of three types of 'knowledge' and 'action'.The third constituent that goes into the make-up of the action is the 'doer',the ego that has the desire to do.Since the three 'Gunas'(qualities) come to influence the physiological life and intellectual perception of all of us.the doer personality in each one of us must also change its mood and temperaments accordingly to the prevailing Guna(and past actions) that rules the bosom at any given moment of time.consequently ,the 'ego' is also classified under three kinds.

Sattvic personality(Actor)

The personality is the one who is free from attachments to any of his friends and relatives (kith &kin),and non-egoistic.He is the one who has no clinging attachment to the things and beings around,as he has no such false belief that the world outside will bring to him a desirable fulfillment of the existence.He sincerely feels that he has not done anything spectacular even when he has actually done the greatest good to the mankind ,because he surrenders his egocentric individuality to the lord ,through the perfect attachment with the infinite (almighty or parmeshwara).

The sattvic personality (actors) is one whoever strives unperturbed both in success and in failure,both in pleasure and pain.The best example would be the nurse in the hospital.She has generally no attachment to the patient.She/he has no ego that she is curing the patient ,because she knows that there is the ability of the doctor behind every successful cure. She has the courage and enthusiasm or else she will not be able to continue efficiently in her job.And lastly,she is not concerned with success or failure.she does not rejoice when the patient walks out fully cured,nor does she moans(dejected)for every patient that dies.She cannot afford such an indulgence.She understands the hospital to be island of success and failure of births and deaths ,and she is there only to serve.

An actor(personality) of the above type is one who suffers the least dissipation of his energies ,and so he successfully manages to bring into the field of his actions the total mighty,total possibility of a fully unfolded human personality.The sattvic person remains joyous in 'sattvic actions' guided by his sattvic knowledge .This is the most enduring success,and the world of beings is benefitted,not by the inexhaustible rewards of the love-labor of such prophets.A Sattvic person realizes that in all his actions ,his body,mind and intellect come into play and serve the world only because the spirit,the infinite,is in contact with them.The equipment's of matter are helpless as a broomstick left in a corner.whenever the body functions ,the mind -intellect-equipment spreads(throbs and heaves) in its pursuit of new ideas and achievements .The faculties of the intellect ,the heart,mind and vitality of the body are all the vehicles of the spirit.if the vehicles are not properly disciplined and if they do not come to surrender totally to the spirit(infinity),the lord,they get broken and shattered.A Sattvic personality is the one who is ever conscious of the touch of the infinite light (Almighty) in all his activities.

Rajsic Personality(doer)

He is full of desires ,passions and attachments and he clings on to some wished for gains or goals.He is carried away(swayed) by the passion and eagerly seeks the fruits of his action.He is ever greedy in the sense that such Rajsic doer is never satisfied with what he gains and greedily thirsts for more.His thirst is unsatisfiable because his desires multiply from moment to moment.When a man full of desires and passions,works with mounting greed ,he naturally becomes very malignant in his programs of pursuit  .He never hesitates to injure another ,if such injury were to win his end He is blind to the amount  of sorrow he might bring to others ,he is concerned only with the realization of his motives .when a man of this type becomes to resolve to gain his own ends,it is but natural that he becomes impure,meaning 'immoral'.Even unrighteous methods and vulgar immoralities are no ban to such doer and he will pursue them,if his particular desire can be fulfilled is but natural that such Passionate doer,when he acts in his blinding desires,comes to live,all through his embodied existence,a sad life of agitations ,moved by joys and sorrows ,full of delight and grief .This is a picture of a man who is a passionate (Rajsic) doer.

Dull(Tamsic) person

A Tamsic doer pursues his work,motivated by his Tamsic knowledge and expressing himself through his Tamsic actions.A doer who has no control over himself and therefore,is even unsteady in his application.He becomes unbalanced in his activities because his mind does not obey the warning of his intellect.A Tamsic man is uncultured as much as he acts in the world ,spurred(influenced) by the impulses and instincts of his own mind .He is arrogant in his stubborn nature and he will not lend himself to be persuaded to act more honorably.He becomes dishonest and the dishonesty arises out of his incapacity to see any point of view other than the false conclusions he has arrived at.Such a man is not a dependable character for his real motives and purposes and secretly works out his programs which generally bring out a lot of sorrow to all around him. The Tamsic  actor is bent upon creating quarrels and disputes among people.He puts forth drowsiness of intellect that renders him incapable of correct  thinking is a typical feature.The three brothers from Lanka,in fact, represent these three types of doer.One of them ,Kumbhakarna,who sleeps for six months and wakes up only to spend the rest for eating is symbolic of Tamsic doer.Invariably,he spends his time complaining of men and things around him and wishes for a secure spot in the world.

These three types of actors(doer) provide us with three beautifully framed mental pictures,bringing out in all details of the Sattvic ,the Rajsic and the Tamsic types of doers in the world.As it is already emphasized ,these pictures are not yard sticks to classify others ,but are meant for the seekers to observe themselves .whenever,a true seeker discovers symptoms of Tamas and rajas growing in him he should take the notice of them at once and consciously strive to regain his Sattvic beauty.


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