What is karma yoga


Yoga ordinary means union but often signifies as here karma yoga,that ,the union through activity to the supreme.'Evenness of mind ' the tranquility of mental composure in facing all pairs of opposite (happy -unhappy),success-failure,desire-undesire,like-dislike etc.) is defined as yoga.The term yoga indicates a special condition of mind in which it comes to a neutral equilibrium,while all ebb and flow of life's tide.Not only is it sufficient that a true worker should act in the world being established in equipoise and equanimity,but that he should ,amidst the changes in the world,also reimpose through renunciation of his attachment to the immediate fruits of action.in all activities , when the person has gained almost a state of forgetfulness ,he will not care for success or failure of his activities because ,to worry for the results is to worry for the fruits and to live in the future is not to live in the present.                           The future is always carved out in the present.Tommorrow's harvest depends upon today's ploughing and sowing.But in the fear of facing possible dangers to the crops if a farmer wastes his present chances of thoroughly ploughing and carefully sowing at the right time.it is guaranteed that he shall not have any harvest at all.The present moments are to be invested intelligently and well ,so that we may reap a better time in future .The past is dead ,future is yet to be born.if one become unhealthy and inefficient in the present ,certainly he has no reason to hope for a greater future.This fundamental truth that is very well known and easily comprehended by all,and therefore ,never strive with a mind dissipated with anxieties and fears about the fruits.in fact the reward of action -when we understand it properly -is not anything different from the action itself.An action done in the present when it is conditioned by a future time appears as the fruit of action .in fact ,the action ends or fulfils itself only in the reaction according to the law in physics..An action performed in the present when defined in terms of a future moment is its reaction.Therefore,to worry over and get ourselves preoccupied with the anxieties for the reward of actions is to escape from the dynamics present moment and live in the future moment that is not yet born.in short,the Lord's advice here is a call to man not to waste his present moment in fruitless dreams and fears,but to bring out his best,all the best from within him,to the present moment,and vitally live every moment .The promise is that future will take care of itself,and shall provide the karma yogin with the achievements that are divine and accomplishments that are supreme.                                                                         In effect therefore,in Geeta it was advised that all that is given to you now is to act upon,and having known the cause of action to be noble one,to bring into activity all that is best in you and forget yourself in the activity .such an inspired action is sure to bear fruit,and again it has its own reward spiritual.while guiding us to a true worker ,a real karma yogin is the one who understands that 1)his concern is with action alone,2)he has no concern with results,3)he should not entertain the motive of gaining a fixed fruit for a given action and 4)these ideas do not mean that he should sit back courting inaction.in short ,the advice is to make the worker release himself from mental preoccupations,and thus through work make him live in the joy and ecstasy of inspired self -forgetfulness.The work itself is his reward ,he himself drunk with joy and satisfaction on the noble work done is the Goal-Divine. 


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