Link between field(body),soul(Atama)and almighty(Parmatama)


As  mentioned before,the supreme self (Parmatama) is everlasting and who is immutable,spreads everywhere (pervade) in the three world's(,intervening space and heaven)and control the stated earlier the field (prakriti)is mutable and soul(Atama)is immutable and both of them is controlled by    almighty(Parmatama) who is also immutable and everywhere.Parmatama is called supreme because of his supreme attributes which no one else can claim.He(Parmatama) is eternal ,pure and   personification of knowledge He(Parmatama) is beyond the mutable and immutable limiting boundaries.He(Parmatama) combines truth, consciousness and bliss in him        

The Lord (Parmatama) is different from the perishable(body).This is understandable that the mutable and immutable cannot be the has   been repeatedly said in the Geeta that the individual soul(Atama) is eternal and is a part of cosmic soul(Parmatama).in the view of this revelation,it is apparent that because of adjuncts the Atama appears different from the Parmatama(Lord).in reality the two are the same.The immutable Atama which is a part of parmatama is encased (embedded) in the mutable body.The body is surrounded by with immutable illusion(Maya) and parmatama (Immutable) control the Maya (illusions)which is one of the lord's attributes.Thus ,the body ,Atama  and parmatama are not three different entities but only two-i.e.atama(soul)and parmatama (Almighty) being one.

 Science has made a tremendous progress in last century in material and biological sciences where human being can talk and see one part of the Globe from the other through artificial satellite, communication, technology etc.

In biological science ,a tremendous invention is being done ,even artificial human can be made in the test tube.But what about Atama (soul)?it has to come from parmatama (Lord or from sperm ,wombs).

Science could not invent the functioning of brain ,even 10 % of spite of all these tremendous scientific discoveries in mutable (materialistic world) things,the science cannot make even a leaf of the grass(immutable or Atama), Science cannot through any light on consciousness.

Although lot of research is being done in neural network but could not get any clue for the consciousness.

The immutable (soul or Atama) is the tertiary of the parmatama (Lord)which is eternal pervading through the consciousness and bliss of him(Lord)


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