Karma(Action). The karma theory is mainly governed by our materialistic human body,consisting of skin,sense organs(eyes,ears,nose and tongue),action organs (hands,feet,genitals,anus and vocal cord),mind(buddhi) and intelligence,The Atma (soul) is the life sustainer,which is pure and does not take part in any actions of living beings.before knowing the karma theory,what is right and wrong actions,let us first analyze the body functioning of the materialistic mortal(body). All the body parts including desire ,ego,mind, intelligence,sense organs and actions organs are called Field and Knower of this field is called Atma or Soul .The life comes into the existence with the interplay of field(mortal body)and it's Knower(Soul) . In Sanskrit the field is defined as kshetra in a body and one who understands it as the kshetrajana(Atama or soul who knows the field).No one knows the house better than its occupant and Atama is a resident of this house(field ,body).Those who understand prakriti(nature,matter)and purusha(Atama,spirit or sentient force) possess a true knowledge. The body is compared to a field in which the planted seed gradually germinates,develops into full grown plant and ultimately dies.Similarly ,the good and bad karmas ( actions) performed through the agency of this body bears their results.The spirit (Atama),in itself ,has no existence except when it plays through matter.when Purusha weds prakriti, the experiences of good and bad are born.Electricity ,in itself,cannot glow or manifest light.But when it weds with the bulb,it is manifested as light.The world of matter that has been projected by ourselves around us and the process by which we work through it to perceive the infinite varieties of objects ,feelings and thoughts. All these are to be brought under our close observation.To ignore them is to cheat ourselves so much about the essential knowledge.At least a working knowledge of the enemy's strategy is essential in planning our anti strategic moments .To know the nature of all matter envelopments,their play and how they behave under given sets of different circumstances -is to know the 'field'(Prakriti) where we have to battle for release and win our victory.
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